Essential Marketing Support

and build brand awareness. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) Good search rankings don’t only bring traffic to your website, it helps builds trust too because the search results are frequently the first contact a person has…

Superhero Support Pass

For larger projects, please contact us for a project quote. Example tasks: Design tweaks to get your website looking just right, add an email signup-form, website speed-up, malware or hack repair, creating a landing page,…

Grow Your Audience

…chapter contains tried-and-true strategies that will work. Before you start, and especially if you’re starting from zero, you need to know that it’s going to be hard before it’s easy, butit will be easy eventually. There isn’t one…

Sidekick Support Pass

complete 1-3 tasks per day depending on complexity. Example tasks: format & publish content, on-page SEO, setup email subscribe forms, install & configure plugins and themes, and more. Important notes about our support passes Our…