Widgets: Manage content in the sidebars, footer, etc

(Search, Featured Posts, Categories, or Archives *) Social media (Instagram Feed, Pinterest widget, etc) HTML code (Custom HTML widget *) Widgets with * indicate that they are included with WordPress by default. The widgets available…

Upload your logo and customize your website design

your social media pages (Simple Social Icons) Email subscribe form (Convert Pro or Genesis eNews) Banner/image ads (Image Widget) Links to your past blog content (Search, Featured Posts, Categories, or Archives) Social media (WP Instagram…

I can’t login to my website

Occasionally you get stuck and can’t login to your website. Here’s what to do. Reset your password Start by visiting the login screen of your website e.g. yoursite.com/wp-admin/ From the login screen, click the “Lost…

Website Migration

Website migration from another web host or blog provider. Domain change (e.g. mywebsite.com to mycompany.com) included at no extra cost…

Fix Facebook broken link preview

…(the path between Facebook and the site was blocked), or the site was temporarily unavailable (plugin error, in the midst of applying updates, etc). Learn how to get the best looking social preview image → https://clickwp.com/article/facebook-link-thumbnail-image/…

Switch to Google Analytics 4

you don’t, you may already be using GA4. Click on the link. Under I want to create a new Google Analytics 4 property, click Get Started. A modal window will appear to confirm your action….