Display images side-by-side

Displaying 2 images side-by-side is strangely complicated, and pretty frustrating if you’re a new to WordPress. Here are the methods we recommend to make your images behave. Select the best method below for your needs….

Creating and using links in your content

…Pages Links are made up of 2 components: The anchor text which the clickable part of the link, and the URL which looks like this: https://clickwp.com. URLs must always begin with http. In the WordPress…

Website Migration

Website migration from another web host or blog provider. Domain change (e.g. mywebsite.com to mycompany.com) included at no extra cost…

Click to send an email with a mailto link

You can make links that open an email window when clicked, like this: Click to send me an email These are known as mailto links, and they are easy to make in WordPress. Highlight the

What are Excerpts and how to use them

…content. Automatic excerpts will end with […] Continue Reading Adding a manual excerpt will allow you to control exactly what is displayed in the preview, and it makes it look neater too. https://clickwp.com/article/facebook-link-thumbnail-image/ Post with…

Posts, Pages and Content Types

…Posts would be your Photo posts. (It’s not the best analogy, but I hope it gets the point across) The official term for content types is “custom post types” and is commonly abbreviated to CPT….