Big changes coming to WordPress with Gutenberg

…from difficult-to-remember shortcodes. Instead of having to type: [button link=”” color=”#eaa7f2″ align=”center”]Click Here[/button] You can just do this: Gutenberg Button block Another exciting feature are shared blocks. These are reusable blocks which can be inserted…

Add your website to Google Search Console

your WordPress website to Google Search Console. If you haven’t already, sign in to Google Search Console – Add Property Once logged in, you’ll see reports for your website. Click on the property selector…

Create a reliable WordPress backup strategy

…own backups. Yes, it’s redundant to backup your backups! Here is a list of common backup exclusions: wp-content/backup* wp-content/*backup wp-content/cache wp-content/upgrade wp-snapshots *.zip In summary, reducing the number of components that needs to be backed…