Out of the box, WordPress displays your latest blog posts on the homepage (front page) of the website. However you may prefer to display non-blog (static) content on the homepage and your posts on a different page, known as the Posts page.
Even if you don’t plan to publish a blog-style website, you may want to have a page that displays news, announcements or latest articles. That is the role of the Posts page. Here’s how to set it up.
First, identify a page to function as the homepage. Create a new page, or decide on an existing page to be used as the homepage.
Next, create or choose a page that will be the Posts page. Good names for this page would be Blog, News or Articles.
Now navigate to the Settings → Reading screen. Change the setting for Your homepage displays to A static page. Select the 2 pages that you identified earlier. Click the Save Changes button to confirm the new settings.