Installing and Managing Plugins

How to install both free and premium WordPress plugins. Learn how to install plugins automatically and how to upload plugins manually….

Easy media embeds (oEmbed)

…in WordPress You can also do this with tweets. Example: Code for the above: <strong>You can also do this with tweets</strong>. Example: SlideShare and Scribd documents. Example: Code for the above: <strong>SlideShare…

Building Trust with your Audience

…about your niche Make free content. Organise free webinars, give out free ebooks and downloadables and more. This is a great way to collect emails for email marketing too (Chapter 5) Feature someone else in…

ClickWP Membership

…and we’ll tell you what you need in clear, simple language. Support Passes Need more than email support? Purchase a Support Pass for hands-on help for everything related to running a website. This membership is…

Dealing with Malware or a Hacked Website

…Generate Password button.  Update your hosting account passwords Most web hosting companies offer several types of access. Be sure to change the password for all of them. Check with your web host to find out…