Create Google reCAPTCHA keys

reCAPTCHA is a free product from Google that helps website owners stop bad traffic. From the reCAPTCHA website:

reCAPTCHA is a free service that protects your website from spam and abuse. reCAPTCHA uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive CAPTCHAs to keep automated software from engaging in abusive activities on your site. It does this while letting your valid users pass through with ease.


Many WordPress plugins integrate with reCAPTCHA to prevent spam, fake user signups and protect their contact forms.

This article will explain how to create the Google reCAPTCHA keys to enable these integrations.

Sign up / Sign in with your Google Account

Start by registering for the reCAPTCHA service. You can do this by visiting the reCAPTCHA website and signing in with your Google Account (a.k.a. your Gmail account).

Create your reCAPTCHA keys

In the reCAPTCHA Admin Console, click the New button (+). Choose a key type.

There are two types of reCAPTCHA: v2 and v3. Most WordPress plugins make use of v2, but please check for the kind required.

reCaptcha create keys

The reCAPTCHA key can be used on more than one website. Type in all the website domains that will be using this key.

Accept the terms of service and click Submit. You’ll then be presented with 2 “keys”. reCAPTCHA keys are just strings of text like in the screenshot below.

reCAPTCHA keys are just strings of text

Integrate with your plugin

Paste the keys to your plugin settings to enable reCAPTCHA on your website. Please refer to your plugin instructions on how exactly to integrate reCAPTCHA.

We like and recommend the free Invisible reCAPTCHA for WordPress plugin.

Struggling with spam on your WordPress site? Read our article on stopping spam in WordPress.

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