
Original price was: $499.00.Current price is: $249.00.

Identify and fix on-page and technical issues on your website, and identify keyword and content opportunities. This package includes:

  • SEO assessment to identify technical issues on your website
  • Fix indexability, broken links and on-page SEO (max 5 hours)
  • Install and configure a SEO plugin
  • Set up Google Analytics and Search Console
  • Basic keyword research

You’ll also receive a report that includes

  • Before and after results for your website
  • SEO recommendations to improve your site structure and site speed
  • Top keywords that your website ranks for
  • Keyword opportunities that you can target


More Details

Step 1: Ensure a solid foundation

First and foremost, we want to make sure that your website works properly before we even think about trying to attract more people to it.

We start with an assessment to ensure that all elements of your website are working to the best of its ability. We will detail numerous improvements based on Google best practices alongside suggestions of what you may need to consider in the future.

This SEO assessment will cover everything from:

  • Can Google find all the pages on your website?
  • Is your website mobile friendly?
  • Are you losing visitors on your website due to slow loading pages?
  • Are you tracking key interactions with your website in Google Analytics and is your Google Analytics account set up correctly?
  • Are there any elements broken that are hindering potential customers from making a purchase/sending you an inquiry?

The SEO assessment will be broken up into high-to-low priority tasks with these assigned to yourself, your web developer and your SEO specialist (we will try and implement as much as we can within the timeframe).

Step 2: Your personalized SEO strategy

We will conduct basic keyword research to identify search keywords that you want to be found for, and what your target customers are actually looking for. We can then improve the content of existing pages to match the targeted keywords better, and suggest new content that you can create to rank for the chosen keywords.

The assessment would also have revealed other areas for improvement on your site, and provide you a roadmap to improve your site structure, site speed and content to increase your rankings.